World Summary

City 314 is one of 400 cities located next to one another. These cities have a small understanding that they exist outside themselves but are unable to travel outside their own location. Each city is controlled by Stratos, an army program whose power greatly overpowers the citizens. They’re in charge of running the Target system as well as governing general laws and organizations. This army is controlled by Divinity Ⅲ, They are three deities who create each city and citizen. Children within these cities are not born naturally; they are created individually by the Divinity then handed to anyone willing to have them. Each child is selected to harness specific powers. Often this gift is reflected in their physical form.


City City 314, the city with no sky. Exactly how it sounds, within the city it is impossible to see the sky as if the buildings and walkways stretch endlessly into the sky. However they don’t, a massive ceiling covers the entire city. This ceiling and the buildings are designed to create an artificial sense of a day-night cycle so citizens are not just stuck in an endless night.The city is divided into 4 sectors, North, West, South, East. The Northend consists of the wealthy. Those raised by the Stratos. The Westend takes up the majority of the city with the general population residing there. The southend belongs to Syndicate as their domain they control most of the population there. And the Eastend borders the forest making it the prime location for those participating in Target. This causes it to be the most dangerous part of the city.Forest On the outskirts of the Eastend a large forest and rivers reside. Here you’re able to see the walls that encase the city but it is difficult to tell as the day-night cycle looks identical to actual skylines in this area.

Koi Mart

Located in the Eastend of the city, this small corner store is well known to locals. The store is found on a corner block underneath a bunch of apartment’s. This strip is known for their small markets and local restaurants. The street however isn’t very popular and often becomes a battleground for TARGET. Many of the locals living in the buildings above however like to visit the stores located below so business isn’t all bad.


Target→ Target is a system put in place to reduce overpopulation within the city. Yearly Citizens are given a target they can hunt down and kill for a large summary of money.Divinity Ⅲ→ This refers to the 3 deities. These deities are who create the cities and population that resides within them. They’re also the highest power within the Stratos controlling its every move.Stratos→ Stratos is the army that governs the city and its populations. They have the ability to travel between the cities but are often stationed in a single one. (Further Info to be added)

Skewers→ Slang used by citizens to refer to the soldiers in Stratos. This name was given due to the violent actions used by these soldiers in order to get citizens to follow.Syndicate→ This organization controls almost the entirety of the Southend. It’s a large gang which participates in Target by collecting people and subjecting them to a collection of scientific tests. (Further Info to be added)Recovery→ A smaller gang which runs through Target with the goal of retrieving potential organ donations. While they also collect money given by Target in order to donate to Hospitals, Schools and those in need.


Target is a system put in place to reduce overpopulation within the city. When citizens turn 18 they’re implanted with a chip in the palm of their non-dominant hand. On January 1st of every year citizens are given a target they can hunt down and kill for a large summary of money. At this point it is optional to join, however many choose to participate due to the large bounty attached. Once a person has killed their target they’re then transferred the target of the person they just killed. However with each kill the bounty decreases significantly.

Citizens are able to view their target through a hologram that emits from the hand with the chip inserted. This hologram shows a visual as to what the target looks like at any given moment altering with any physical changes the target experiences. It also lists the full name of the target along with smaller additional info such as age and species.

Groups can be established within Target. People part of a group share targets. This means they have the ability to kill each other's targets and still collect the bounty. There is no limit to the amount of members a group can have and the minimum to classify as one is 4 people. Syndicate and Recovery are examples of these groups.

Targets are also able to be traded among citizens if chosen to do so. However trading a target decreases the bounty 6% each time.

Target also has a leaderboard system. This includes a list of the top 10 killers. Each individual killer on this list is given the perks of luxury and are invited to monthly meetings with Stratos. However being placed on this list also means you become a target to everyone. Each killer is placed with a bounty larger than the annual one that anyone can attempt to assassinate them for.